
Philae Island The Last Outposts of Ancient Egyptian Religion

via - Dennis Jarvis
Philae Island is in the Nile River between the old Aswan Dam and the Aswan High Dam, in Aswan, southern Egypt.
Its ancient Egyptian name was ( P-aaleq ) the Coptic-derived name Pilak (The end). defined the southern most border of Egypt .

From early Egyptian times the island was sacred to the goddess Isis .The oldest  structure on the island of Philae was a small temple to goddess Isis built in about 370 BC This was later expanded into a huge Temple of Isis by a number of rulers, most notably Ptolemy II (285-246 BC) and Diocletian (284-305 AD).

Isis, the wife of Osiris and Horus's mother. These three characters dominate ancient Egyptian culture and their story tell that .The god Osiris is murdered and dismembered by his brother Seth. Isis, who had great magical powers, decided to find her husband and bring him back to life . she searches for the fragments, collects them together and with her magic powers brings Osiris back to life. They then conceive the god Horus. Osiris becomes god of the under world and judge of the dead people who must answer to him for their deeds on Earth. Meanwhile Isis gives birth to Horus. Later when Horus is grown he avenges his father by defeating Seth in combat.

It was one of the last Places of Ancient Egyptian religion, surviving 2 centuries after the Roman Empire converted to Christianity.the temples of Philae were closed in 535 AD by order of Emperor Justinian

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