
Top 8 Photos of Itchan Kala, Khiva , Uzbekistan. Part 2

via - Patrickringgenberg
The 19th-Century Summer Mosque (with replacement wooden pillars) within the Kunya Ark, the fortress and residence of the rulers of Khiva.

via - t_y_l
Outside Khiva’s west wall is a statue of mathematician, astronomer, and geographer Muḥammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (780-850) , whose name may indicate he came from Khwarezm ( Khiva ), the region Khiva is in.

via - Jean-Pierre Dalbéra
Pahlavon Mahmud mausoleum in Itchan Kala, Khiva , Uzbekistán.( Pahlavon Mahmud is poet, philosopher, and legendary wrestler from the late-13th/early-14th Century who became Khiva’s patron saint ) .

The courtyard in the center of the harem,The harem quarters are inside the Kunya Ark, the fortress and residence of Khiva’s rulers just inside the city walls.

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