
Motivational Quotes : Part 25

Motivational Quotes - The Life In The World
 They can conquer who believe they can.  Virgil
Motivational Quotes - The Life In The World
 If you don't ask, you don't get.  Stevie Wonder
Motivational Quotes - The Life In The World
 Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you. George Whitefield
Motivational Quotes - The Life In The World
 Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.  Thomas Jefferson
Motivational Quotes - The Life In The World
Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.  Dwight D. Eisenhower
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