
Funny Quotes : Part 31

 It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse.   Adlai E. Stevenson
 I'm obsessive about the kind of melodrama of getting through the days and trying to make them good and funny and a happy experience. But my feeling towards the fans is that they delivered me from darkness.  Tom Baker
 And, in a funny way, each death is different and you mourn each death differently and each death brings back the death you mourned earlier and you get into a bit of a pile-up.  Nigella Lawson
 I just like the continue doing what I've been doing. A melange of funny, straight drama, television, movies, a little theater here and there wouldn't hurt. So if I can keep doing that, I'll be a very happy person.   Mary Tyler Moore
It usually takes two people a little while to learn where the funny buttons are and testy buttons are.  Matt Lauer
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